David A. P. Shapiera Barrister and Solicitor

COVID-19 Visitation Procedures
For everyone’s safety, we continue to minimize in-person meetings by providing various video or teleconferencing options.  Rest assured, we are ready with all necessary protective measures in place to meet you in person.

For all in person appointment we ask that you follow our procedures:

1. Please do not arrive early

2. Upon arrival stay in your vehicle and call (705) 286 2021

3. You are required to wear a medical or non-medical face mask.

4. If you have been traveling outside of Canada in the past 14 days or
feel unwell, you are required to advise us and reschedule.

If you appear unwell, we reserve the right to prohibit entry.

Our office locked and is not open for any unscheduled appointments.

Servicing all of your Real Estate and Legal Needs in Haliburton County

Contact Us

Telephone (705) 286 2021

Fax (705) 286 3930


Mailing Address

David A. P. Shapiera
69 Bobcaygeon Road
P.O. Box 369
Minden, Ontario
K0M 2K0

Regular Hours

Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm

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